Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Eagle has Landed

Busy day today!  I got the clutch hardware installed, mated the engine to the transmission, and dropped it all in the truck.  This included a trip to the auto parts store to swap a defective hydraulic clutch line and a separate trip to Ace Hardware for some grade 8 bell housing bolts.  I had bolts, but neglected to ever check to make sure they were long enough.  :o(   

The good news is that I saw this sweet drag car in the auto parts store parking lot.  542 cubic inches with a blower and NOS.  It sounded fantastic.
Now, back to the 56…  Pilot bearing, debris shield, flywheel, discs, and pressure plate installed.  You have to hold backup on the flywheel when torquing the bolts to prevent the engine from turning over.  There are many ways to do this, but I chose child labor due to the attractive price and availability.
 Got the clutch master and slave cylinders bench bled and put the slave cylinder onto the transmission:
After all of that, it was time to bolt the transmission to the back of the engine block.  This is a little like docking a shuttle to the international space station, except that it involves kicking and jiggling large, awkward hunks of metal by hand.
After I got everything secured, I ran to the cardboard box containing the recently purchased exhaust headers to make sure they fit.  Of course they don't fit.  I have already processed the online return form and placed another order for a different set based on deductive reasoning utilizing an orange pool noodle and eyeball measurements from internet exhaust product marketing pictures.

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