Sunday, December 25, 2016

Steering Column Part 3

I spent some time today getting the steering column sorted out.  The new double steering u-joint arrived and fit nicely.  There were lots of small details to attend to, but essentially, I had to orient and align the steering column, steering shaft, and gearbox shaft before tightening all of the bolts.  It took some time to wiggle everything around, but it got done with some intermittent help from child and spouse labor.  :o)

Expensive and hard-to-find stainless CV style steering u-joint:  1" DD x 3/4" 30 spline
 Steering u-joint slipped on to test fit.  Looked pretty good...
 Floor plate slipped on to test fit.
 I marked the shaft where the steering u-joint set screw went.  You only drill through one side.
 Like this:
 One of the set screws hits the OD and the other one goes through the steering shaft and tightens against the ID on the opposite side.
 Loosely installed lower column mount bracket and floor plate.
 Turn signal indicator and tilt lever installed into column along with the steering wheel adapter.
 All tightened up.
 Steering wheel installed minus the horn button.  I left it off since I might be taking the steering wheel back off to make adjustments once the front body panels are installed.  The steering linkage will need to be adjusted, I just don't know how much yet...
 Final orientation of the steering u-joint.  Not too bad in terms of offset/misalignment.
 There was a minor "almost" interference between the exhaust header on the driver's side and the steering u-joint set screw.
 So, I beat a small dent in that primary tube using the same pipe and hammer approach as used before on the lower primary.
 Steering installed, headers installed, and spark plug wires installed!
The next step is to finish some electrical wiring so I can start the engine.

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