Friday, August 26, 2016


The truck is in a state of disrepair.  It has been sitting for too long with a stupid louvered hood and other "custom" features that ultimately make it look like the Marlboro man with a sun burn in the desert after the bombs go off.  Rough.  Rusted out valve covers, doors with holes so big you can put your arm through them, etc.  The two redeeming qualities of this vehicle are that it has a custom hot rod square tubing chassis and that it has an original big window cab.

Features of the chassis include independent front and rear suspension, a jaguar rear end with inboard disc breaks, and power steering.  Features of the big window cab include tetanus, despair, and general decay.  Seriously, it is the automobile equivalent of an undead zombie corpse.  Not quite dead, but not exactly alive either.  Truly a moral conundrum...


  1. Ok Darren, what did this rust bucket cost and where did you find it?

  2. Nobody knows exactly where it came from or why it ended up here. They only thing certain is that nothing will ever be the same...
