Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Go Oft Awry

It was a good plan.

Spray down the header bolts for ~48 hours with penetrating oil and they would just spin right out.  Of of the 16 bolts needing removal, I broke the first one off, successfully removed the next two, then broke the 4th one off.  After rounding off the heads of a few others, I admitted partial defeat and decided that the header pipes needed to come out so I could have better access to the remaining bolts.  Destroying something with the saws-all provided some temporary relief from the thought of what lies ahead now that "bolt extraction" is on the agenda.

 Broken off bolt.  Not fun.

 The header was in there so tight, I had to cut it in two places to get it out.  Not fun.
 Too bad I just can't run it like this. LOL.
One of each.  In this corroded and weakened condition, they are no match for my Herculean upper body strength.
I ordered a few specialty tools from Amazon tonight, so hopefully I can rectify this situation without having to remove the heads, machining, etc...

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