Monday, May 29, 2017

Radiator Hose Install

It took three trips to the auto parts store to get the upper and lower radiator hoses sorted out.  It is a custom engine swap, so I bent some coat hanger wire to the shape needed and went in the back of the parts warehouse and just hunted around until I found some that were close.  Both of them needed a trimming to fit properly.

Guy at the parts store:  "How can I help you today?"
56Mechanic:  "I need some radiator hoses that look like these coat hangers."
Guy at the parts store:  <eye roll>  "Alright, they are back there on the left..."

Upper hose:
 Lower hose.  I didn't take a picture of it after install, but it looks the same except there is an engine sticking out of one end and a radiator sticking out of the other.
 I filled the radiator about 50% with distilled water first to check for leaks and then topped it off with antifreeze.

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